Telekinesis: Twilight's horn usually glows white or a faint shade of purple, and objects assume a glow of white, purple, or magenta when she affects multiple objects at once, several other colors are used as well, allow her to manipulate them.Teleportation: Twilight possesses the ability to teleport herself and others.Force-Field: Twilight can create a force-field to protect herself and/or others.Magic Beam Emission: She can shoot concussive blasts from her horn.Gravity Alteration: Twilight can use a "gravity spell" to change the direction of a gravitational field within a certain area.Levitation: Twilight can self-levitate using her own telekinesis.Due to this, she have access to the following powers: Her alicorn magic makes her already powerful unicorn more powerful.

Magic: Being an alicorn, Twilight have access to magic.In the Season 9 finale, she soon becomes the ruler of Equestria with Spike as her Ambassador, and becoming a teacher as well to ponies and creatures alike, including her own star student Luster Dawn. A few moments later, she was sent back to Ponyville, where she is now a princess. The blast sent to Celestia, who turns her into an alicorn. This causes the elements of harmony to fire a blast at her, much to the five ponies' shock. After changing their destinies back, Twilight finish the spell. Twilight accidentally cast this spell, causing her friends' destinies to change. Later, Celestia sent Twilight an unfinished spell of Starswirl the bearded. They would continue to help defend Equestria using the elements of harmony. Using the elements of harmony, the six turned Nightmare Moon back to Princess Luna. When they found Twilight, she figured out how to get the sixth element of harmony to appear: friendship. The five ponies quickly realizes this and set out to find Twilight. Nightmare Moon took this opportunity and teleported Twilight and the elements of harmony to another part of the castle. When Twilight tried to try something, her five friends thought that it would be better to give her some time and space. When they reached there, they found only five out of six elements of harmony. When Nightmare Moon returned to bring upon eternal night, the six ponies set out to the Castle of the Two Sister, which is located in the Everfree Forest. After being sent to Ponyville to oversee the Summer Sun Celebration's preparations, Twilight met Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Fluttershy and Rarity.