Return to castle wolfenstein widescreen patch
Return to castle wolfenstein widescreen patch

I was disappointed that you didn't get to drive vehicles. But you didn't even hardly get to see the jet because you had to go open some door. For example, one level you have to prep a jet for take off, it would have rocked faces if you could have flown it and shot down Nazis. There are ample opportunities in the story line for the makers to add in extra things that would have made the story much better. A lot of shooting to basically sum this game up in a sentence. I mean this game is good on campaign mode, but not great.

return to castle wolfenstein widescreen patch

There is a nice assortment of weapons also. It's really a good game, but a few things are missing. Overall: The campaign mode was pretty good. I thought many of them sounded cheesy (the knife in paticular) and were not done to there best. Sound: The music was average and the sound effects were below. evern with destructive enviroments the models were blocky and old (although so is the game so.) and the maps lacked detail by todays standards. If you've got live and like shooters, definatley check this one out. While I only checked out the XBL deathmatches briefly, I thought they were fairly well done and had alot of potential. You have your standard arsenal and lots of AI to kill but besides that, it did not do much for me. Gameplay: This FPS seemed to do nothing extra to impress me. The storyline is good but the whole game seems fairly medicore and typical for its kind of shooter. This first person shooter puts you in the place of an American soldier who must work on his own to stop the German empire. Try out what you feel is best.Overall: Return to Castle Wolfenstien takes place in Nazi Germany during WWII. Lowering the size of the crosshair greatly diminishes the pulsing effect. RTCW's has this annoying setup where the crosshair pulses as you shoot or wave your gun around, letting you know the random bullet spread that is occuring, but it makes the gunplay feel crappy. >cg_crosshairsize 10 Determines the size of your crosshair. The default renderer is better anyway, imo.

return to castle wolfenstein widescreen patch

The sourceport uses a new renderer for dynamic lighting and shadows, but can tank your FPS if you're not using a good computer. >"/r_primitives 2" Helps it run better on modern system >"/seta com_maxfps 144" Sets the max fps lock, default is 76 >"/cg_fixedaspect 2" Perfect for widescreen resolutions, makes it so that the weapon FOV isn't cut off and the HUD elements aren't stretched out >"/cl_renderer opengl1" If you experience FPS issues on the highest quality graphics setting, type that in and restart the game. Lastly, here's some optional console input commands you can add once you're in-game. Sorry if all of this is overwhelming, but I'm just giving you the best tips I can. Optionally, if you want Steam to track your time and hours played, remove and replace your existing WolfSP.exe file with the ioWolfSP.exe file (rename it to WolfSP.exe), and then start the game up via Steam. Then, doubleclick ioWolfSP.exe to open the game up with the sourceport, and you're good to go. Once you do, merge it into your "Return to Castle Wolfenstein" folder. RealRTCW is good too, as it's a mod built on the ioRTCW engine, but it's not the "vanilla" experience you're looking for. This is by far the best way to play vanilla RTCW now, as it fixes some bugs and offers widescreen and native resolution support. If it doesn't, and I recommend doing this anyway, you're going to want to install the ioRTCW sourceport. Once you do that, the game should start up fine. Your wolfconfig.cfg file should be found under Documents -> RTCW -> main.

return to castle wolfenstein widescreen patch return to castle wolfenstein widescreen patch

You're going to want to delete your wolfconfig.cfg file and then start your game up again.

Return to castle wolfenstein widescreen patch